FLOTSAM AND JETSAM Releases Music Video For 'Primal' Single From Upcoming 'I Am The Weapon' Album

May 31, 2024

Veteran Arizona thrashers FLOTSAM AND JETSAM have revealed the second single and music video from their upcoming 15th studio album "I Am The Weapon", which will arrive on September 13, 2024 via AFM Records.

Following the previously released first single and title track, today we are treated to the official music video for "Primal", which can be seen below.

Talking about the track, the band shares: "We're very excited to once again unleash Flotzilla on to the metal community! This time, he'll take the form of our newest single, 'Primal'. With 'Primal', we tried to capture the 'punch in the face' energy that FLOTSAM AND JETSAM are known for, and blend it with a melody that sticks in your head for days... We hope our fans will embrace it, as we are very pleased with how this song and the new record has turned out, and we look forward to seeing you all very soon!"

Along with the album pre-orders, which are now underway, FLOTSAM AND JETSAM has also announced a repress of its eponymous 2016 album, issued as a strictly limited, gatefold clear 2LP.

"I Am The Weapon" not only takes up seamlessly where its two outstanding predecessors left off but also goes one step further in terms of musical skill and composition. While they fully live out their core competencies such as their aggressive style with fast tempos, "I Am The Weapon" features more surprising moments than ever before. From brutal high-octane tracks like "I Am The Weapon" to the atmospheric but not superfast "Burned My Bridges", each track on the album is convincing in its own way.

The album was once again mixed and mastered by Jacob Hansen with the artwork designed by the band's longtime collaborator Andy Pilkington of Very Metal Art.

"I Am The Weapon" track listing:

01. A New Kind Of Hero
02. Primal
03. I Am The Weapon
04. Burned My Bridges
05. The Head Of The Snake
06. Beneath The Shadows
07. Gates Of Hell
08. Cold Steel Lights
09. Kings Of The Underworld
10. Running Through The Fire
11. Black Wings

It's been 38 years since FLOTSAM AND JETSAM, formed in Phoenix, Arizona, released its landmark debut, "Doomsday For The Deceiver", the only album to ever receive a 6K rating from the influential British magazine Kerrang! Bassist Jason Newsted would jump ship to METALLICA while the band released "No Place For Disgrace" in 1988. "Cuatro" (1992),"Drift" (1995),"High" (1997) and "My God" (2001) all still rank extremely high in heavy metal circles. But it was the first part of this unofficial trilogy in 2016's self-titled "Flotsam And Jetsam", followed by the crushing 2019 successor "The End Of Chaos" that a certain rejuvenation and reset was clearly felt.

In 2019, FLOTSAM AND JETSAM frontman Eric "A.K." Knutson told Glendale Star about the band's career: "We've been through a lot of crap. For a while I had a lineup with me who was just together to go out on vacations then have the promoters pay for it. And it's a little different now. We are back to a real band making a stab at growing and becoming a bigger entity in the music industry. Our goal in writing a record is to put out the coolest music we can. 'The End Of Chaos' hits the mark."

Guitarist Michael Gilbert said: "We're making a bit of a comeback. They're starting to revisit and buy the new stuff as well. We're seeing a lot of younger people at the show. They're in the front row, singing songs that were out 20 years before they were born. It gets us all excited. That was happening when we did the self-titled album. There's this spark again. The power metal music fans are digging A.K.'s voice."

Photo credit: Shane Eckart

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