FLOTSAM AND JETSAM To Enter Studio Next Week
December 30, 2004FLOTSAM AND JETSAM drummer Craig Nielsen has posted the following message on the group's official web site:
"At long last, we start the record on January 2, after a series of delays, some to do with the band and some to do with the label. We are very recharged and ready to do a great FLOTSAM record.
"Also, the video of one of our recent Tokyo shows came out even much better than we could have ever imagined thanks to the intense professionalism of the Japanese who recorded it, and the fact that it was one of the very best live shows this band has captured in their entire career. So we will shop it for another live release, as it actually blows away even our recent DVD.
"And for upcoming shows, FLOTSAM will be playing with HATEBREED and AGNOSTIC FRONT on the 'Goodyfest' in Phoenix, Jan. 14, then we play the next night, Jan.15, at the 'Deep Freeze' event in Westminister, Colorado, very close to Denver.
"Bad news for the FLOTSAM/METAL CHURCH tour. The story has changed at least five times from the three different agencies involved, so I won't even bother trying to decipher what really happened, but the tour is off.
"Agents have a tendency to lie a lot and constantly change what they come strong and sure at you with in the beginning as a proposal.
"We are still getting many, many emails from Europeans who would really like to see FLOTSAM so we may still make it happen.
"As always, a very sincere thank you to all loyal FLOTSAM fans who continue to show so much support through all the bullshit!"