Former IMMORTAL DOMINION Bassist Kills Wife, Self Following Return From Iraq

August 5, 2005

Stephen S. Sherwood, former bassist for Colorado heavy metal band IMMORTAL DOMINION (web site, page),shot and killed his wife before turning the gun on himself Wednesday (August 3),nine days after returning to their Fort Collins home from a tour in Iraq, according to the Associated Press.

When Sherwood joined the Army a year and a half ago, the former musician was "long-haired and tattooed and about the furthest thing from a military man you could imagine," a neighbor says.

When he came home on leave from Iraq last winter, the difference was dramatic: "Not only had he put on a lot of weight, he was real bulked up and had shaved his long hair and looked like an MP," neighbor Steve Johnson said.

Sherwood, his wife Sara, whose age wasn't given, and their young daughter were on the verge of a stressful move from their Larimer County home of eight years to Colorado Springs, where Sherwood would be stationed, according to the Rocky Mountain News.

Sherwood's wife didn't want to leave her home about five miles north of Fort Collins, neighbors said.

Neighbors said Sherwood had moved into Highland Acres, Colorado in 1997, where he put together IMMORTAL DOMINION.

His wife's sister was married to one of the band's members.

Through them, Sherwood met his wife, Johnson said.

Back in 1997, Sherwood inadvertently caused a problem for local Colorado bands in general by speaking his mind for a profile. In the article, Sherwood was quoted as criticizing radio station KBPI for ignoring songs from his band's CD, "Birth". "They won't play them because they don't play any local music anymore," he told writer John Jesitus. Sherwood also called KBPI jock K.O. "a wuss," adding, "Just because it's a big corporation and they're going to fire you if you play anything that's not on a major label" doesn't justify the DJ giving IMMORTAL DOMINION the brush.

Read more at Rocky Mountain News.

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