Former MACHINE HEAD Guitarist Solidifies New Band

October 7, 2003

Former MACHINE HEAD/SOULFLY guitarist Logan Mader has solidified the lineup of his new band, NEW BLACK. Joining Mader (who handles guitar and lead vocals in the new group) and collaborator/guitarist Lucas Banker (formerly of LIFE OF AGONY singer Keith Caputo's solo band) are drummer Christopher Antanopolis, bassist/backing vocalist Jason Evagen and guitarist Clyde Shorey.

As previously reported, NEW BLACK sees Logan returning to his heavier roots, and at the same time, incorporating what he has learned from his early days as a guitarist to present, according to a post on his web site. The group recently finished mixing a demo in Amsterdam with beatmaster extraordinaire JUNKIE XL and will begin shopping around for a record deal before the end of the month.

The tracks featured on the demo are as follows:

01. Save Me
02. Feed the Fire
03. Broken Wings

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