Former NIRVANA Bassist Runs For Office

June 8, 2009

The Pulse of Radio reports: Former NIRVANA bassist Krist Novoselic has announced that he will run for the office of county clerk in Wahkiakum County, Washington, according to Novoselic, who is chairman of the county's Democratic Party and once considered a run for lieutenant governor, says he is listing himself as "prefers Grange Party" to protest I-872, a new initiative in Washington electoral politics that allows candidates to align themselves with whatever party or organization they want, whether they're actually affiliated with them or whether the organization exists at all.

In this case, there is no "Grange Party." The Grange is a local farmers' organization.

Novoselic said, "As a strong believer in private association, I oppose the way the state has implemented I-872 . . . My issue is with the way candidates can appropriate the name of a private group."

Novoselic, who occasionally plays with veteran hardcore band FLIPPER, has been active in Washington state and Seattle politics for years.

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