Former SNOT Guitarist Officially Joins LIMP BIZKIT
April 1, 2003LIMP BIZKIT frontman Fred Durst has posted the following message on the group's official web site:
"Well, back here in L.A. headed to the studio. 'Wrestlemania' was kinda ill. There were a lot of fucking people there, that's for sure. We played 'Rollin'' and 'Crack Addict'. Our new guitarist, Mike Smith, ripped it hard!! Also Head from KORN really went off too. Head played with us just for fun. We love him and he's been a big supporter since day one. Now all you have is a shitty TV version of 'Crack Addict' to deal with for a minute. Believe me that the album version smokes that one. The more the build up continues, the more I realize how much depth this album has. Its not one-dimensional like others I'm hearing in this genre. And it doesn't sound like a pre fabricated formula. It feels very honest and real to me. I'm sure you will feel the same. I'm getting excited. limpbizkit live in may then Summer Sanitarium is sure to remind you what it's all about. Then you make your judgements. Playing 'Wrestlemania' reminded me how much our live show has to do with the whole vibe of limpbizkit. I miss it so much!! I will feel whole again when I'm on tour and face to face with you. Stay tuned!!"