Former TWISTED SISTER Frontman Becomes Official Promo Voice Of MSNBC

February 9, 2002

Former TWISTED SISTER frontman Dee Snider is now the official promo voice of MSNBC. The raspy-voiced Snider has been doing voiceovers for the likes of Brian Williams, Ashleigh Banfield and Alan Keyes since last winter, according to an article published in the New York Observer. The Long Island-based vocalist, of course, very publicly fought with Tipper Gore and the PMRC back in 1985 over music censorship (Gore launched a crusade to put warning labels on raunchy rock albums),but that doesn't bother the network executives. We wanted a little bit of in-your-face, said Val Nicholas, MSNBC's vice president of advertising, promotion and marketing. We wanted somebody to cut through all of this clutter. Plus, I used to like TWISTED SISTER. To read the full article, click here.

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