GENE SIMMONS Explains Decision To Hand-Deliver 'The Vault' To Fans' Homes

January 4, 2018

Gene Simmons spoke to the "Hair Jordan" show on the KSHE 95 radio station about "Gene Simmons - The Vault Experience: 1966-2016", the comprehensive box set of his solo material that comes packaged in a safe. The set includes 150 previously unreleased songs spread over 10 discs, a leather-bound photo book, a Gene Simmons action figure, an "In Gene We Trust" gold medallion and a "surprise item."

Describing "The Vault" as "literally and physically the largest box set of all time," Simmons said that it stands "three feet tall" and "weighs 38 pounds. You need two arms to wrap around it and two arms to pick it up, 'cause it's over 38 pounds," he explained (hear audio below). "It has metal hardware, metal wheels. I'm really proud of it."

Simmons added the price is only $2000, and "there are only gonna be a few thousand made on Earth. After that, they will be gone and they will never be done again. It's not available in stores β€” no nothing. And I'm gonna be going around the world and hand-delivering it to the fans who buy it. Starting January 6 in Los Angeles, I'm gonna be hand-delivering the very first Gene Simmons Vaults."

According to Gene, he will "take a year off and literally travel around the world and hand-deliver the box set to whoever gets it. And the reason for that is… I'm really doing this for myself. Imagine you dreamed as a young kid you'd be a broadcaster and you finally get there and the people that allowed you to get there are the fans, right? The people who listen to you every day. So, because you're so enormously rich and powerful, what you wanna do is you wanna put on the biggest party of all time, but if you're the only person there, it's not much of a party. So my experience is, I'm on stage, but there's a separation between the stage and the fans; there are security guards and I can't get close to them. And when you go through a hotel lobby or some place, there's always a security guard who's keeping the folks away. So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna change all that and I'm gonna go myself, pay for my own flights, hotels, security, insurance β€” I'll do that β€” and I'm gonna be going around the world, yeah, even to New Zealand, and hand-delivering the box sets. This starts in Los Angeles January 6th from 11 a.m. till 7 p.m., I'll be at the legendary Capitol studios. And the fans are gonna gather there. We're gonna have some alone time for quite a few hours."

"Gene Simmons - The Vault Experience: 1966-2016" spans the rocker's entire musical career, from 1966 to 2016, and includes the first song he ever wrote at the tender age of 14. There are tracks co-written with Bob Dylan, songs with Eddie and Alex Van Halen from VAN HALEN (a band he says he "discovered"),Joe Perry, and a slew of other luminaries.

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