GENE SIMMONS Has Been 'Secretly Doodling' On His Art For More Than Five Decades

August 23, 2021

KISS bassist/vocalist Gene Simmons recently joined forces with Nicholas Leone of Animazing Gallery at Grand Canal Shoppes at The Venetian Resort in Las Vegas for the debut of Gene Simmons ArtWorks October 14 through 16. The gallery showing will include a broad variety of artwork by Simmons — from sketches and drawings to small and large format paintings.

Speaking to KTNV's "Las Vegas Morning Blend", Simmons, whose art collection has never been displayed publicly, stated about his sketches and paintings: "The pandemic has been just horrible for everybody out there. But it also gave me a chance to be alone and not have all these other things — people and ideas — floating around, to just kind of not worry about what people thought: 'Do I have to stick my tongue out and point it in your general direction?' Ad infinitum, ad nauseam. And I've been secretly doodling all my life — ever since I was a kid; comic books, anything, when I'm sitting on planes or doing anything. And I didn't know what I was doing; I'm not trained or anything. So it's sort of stream of consciousness. I know what I like, and I experimented a lot. So, as you can tell by the different styles, some of it are Jackson Pollock-inspired. But I like to rub my fingers on a painting and feel the paint."

Simmons, a serial entrepreneur who is recognized as much for his off-stage business and creative prowess as he is as for his bold onstage performances with KISS, has enjoyed success in many arenas. Well known as a branding expert, published author of numerous books, film and television star, public speaker, and founder of numerous businesses, Simmons has quietly held a secret passion for art for more than five decades.

The Gene Simmons ArtWorks debut at Animazing Gallery will feature a private VIP event for art collectors and celebrities on October 14, followed by two days of public showings with personal appearances by Simmons from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. on October 15 and 16.

For more information about the Gene Simmons ArtWorks debut, visit, e-mail or call (702) 785-0061.

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