GENERAL SURGERY Begins Recording New Album

October 3, 2008

Guitarist Joacim Carlsson of the legendary Swedish grindcore merchants GENERAL SURGERY has issued the following update:

"As of today, we have once again entered the filthy and repulsive confinements of Off Beat Studio to record our second still-untitled full length album. 20 songs will be recorded, and we'll pick the best material to surface on the release. Some new titles to be included are 'Plexus Necrosis', 'Exotoxic Septicity', 'Necronomics' and 'Ichor'.

"Due to scheduling conflicts, the new effort will be self-produced and will not utilize the services of Fred Estby [former DISMEMBER drummer] as previously reported.

"We hope to finish the recording by mid-November and the release is scheduled for February/March 2009. More news on the album and possible sound snippets as we progress."

"To backtrack a little, we want to say thanks to everybody that came out to our shows during the summer and a special thanks goes out to the crowd at the Brutal Assault fest which was our biggest yet. Thanks for the gore support!

"For the third year in a row, we'll play at TantogÄrden in Stockholm with REGURGITATE and special guests GADGET. The date is Friday, October 31st. Tickets are available now at Repulsive Records and Sound Pollution."

GENERAL SURGERY last year parted ways with singer Grant McWilliams and replaced him with Erik Sahlström (MAZE OF TORMENT, SERPENT OBSCENE).

GENERAL SURGERY's first full-length album, "Left Hand Pathology", was released in May 2006 via Listenable Records.

Watch fan-filmed video footage of GENERAL SURGERY performing at the Brutal Assault festival, which took place August 14-16 at the Jaromer Army Fortress in Josefov, Czech Republic:

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