GORY BLISTER Complete Work On New Album

June 22, 2005

Long-running Italian technical death metallers GORY BLISTER have completed work on their new album, "Skymorphosys", tentatively due in October via Holland's Mascot Records. The CD contains "14 tracks, 52 minutes of pure, fast and warm death metal," according to a press release.

GORY BLISTER's full-length debut, "Art Bleeds", was released in 2003 via France's Sekhmet Records.

GORY BLISTER recently contributed a cover of DEATH's "1,000 Eyes" for a DEATH tribute album, "Unforgotten Past… In Memory Of Chuck Schuldiner", available now via the Chinese label AreaDeath Productions. GORY BLISTER's version of the track, which originally appeared on DEATH's classic 1995 album "Symbolic", can be heard at GoryBlister.com (in the "Releases" section).

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