GRAVE To Embark On European Tour In January

November 3, 2004

Legendary Swedish death metallers GRAVE are currently working on a European tour, which is scheduled to start in early January 2005. Exact cities and dates will be announced soon.

As previously reported, GRAVE will be supporting DEICIDE at the Stockholm stop of their European tour on November 16 at Mondo (Club Aggression). Other bands appearing on the bill are ARKHON INFAUSTUS and RELEVANT FEW. GRAVE have also been confirmed for the sixth edition of the 2000 Decibel festival, set to take place on May 21, 2005 at Valhall in Bengtsfors, Sweden (180 kilometres north of Gothenburg).

GRAVE's latest album, "Fiendish Regression", was released in August through Century Media Records. The group's sixth full-length effort was recorded and mixed at Abyss studio with producers Tommy and Peter TÃĪgtgren. 11 tracks were recorded for the album, including nine brand new songs, a cover version of the SAINT VITUS classic "Burial At Sea" and a re-recording of a old GRAVE song "Autopsied", which was originally written and recorded for promotion in 1989.

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