June 28, 2004According to Access Manson (a web site dedicated to convicted serial killer Charles Manson),copies of the legal paperwork demonstrating that Charles Manson received no money for GUNS N' ROSES' recording of "Look At Your Game, Girl" can be obtained by sending a self-addressed stamped business size (# 10) envelope (with postage for two ounces — that's 55 cents in the USA) to:
St. George
P. O. Box 1521
Hanford, CA 93232
GUNS N' ROSES included their version of MANSON's "Look At Your Game, Girl" as a "hidden" track on their 1993 album "The Spaghetti Incident?". Shortly following the album's release, the GN'R camp announced that while Manson theoretically could stand to earn $60,000 in royalties for every 1 million copies the GUNS CD sold, because of a 1973 federal court ruling, all Manson income must be turned over to one of the surviving sons of one of many murder victims. In a press statement, GUNS guitarist Slash said the band had no intention to glorify Manson and that he "epitomizes everything that's wrong with human existence."
(Thanks: The GNR Strip)