HILLHAVEN Feat. Current And Former Members Of ICE NINE KILLS And FROM ASHES TO NEW: Second Single Released

May 28, 2024

Current and former members of ICE NINE KILLS and FROM ASHES TO NEW have formed a brand new band called HILLHAVEN. Today, they have shared the visualizer for the second single "The God You Think You Are".

"'The God You Think You Are' is a frontal assault on the manipulative narcissist," the band states. "At one point or another, we've all endured this type of personality — whether that be through family, friends or even within ourselves. It's an aggressive, forward, unapologetic ego killer of a song."

HILLHAVEN's lineup is comprised of Chris Kelly (ex-ICE NINE KILLS, ex-GALACTIC EMPIRE, and a rumored member of the BABYMETAL's backing band) on vocals, FROM ASHES TO NEW's Maty Madiro on drums, ICE NINE KILLS's Ricky Armellino on guitar, FROM ASHES TO NEW's Jimmy Bennett on guitar, and Jaime GoWell on bass.

When HILLHAVEN's first single, "Damned To Dream", was released last month, Kelly said in a statement: "HILLHAVEN is two and a half year's life experience distilled into a single body of work and bolstered by four monster-level players.

"We've all been in this business for a long time and releasing something new, outside of what we're all typically known for, is both exciting and nerve-racking.

"A lot of thought has gone into planning this year of releases and, in my opinion, 'Damned To Dream' is the best way to kick it off. It's loud, it's real, it's energetic, it's the perfect taste of what's to come and we're all really looking forward to seeing how listeners respond to it."

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