JEFF PILSON Offers Update On Project With GEORGE LYNCH
June 4, 2002Former DOKKEN bassist Jeff Pilson has posted the following update on his much-anticipated collaboration with ex-DOKKEN guitarist George Lynch:
"First off, yes, we have finally decided on naming George and my project L/P. It serves two purposes in that, for one, it could be taken to mean or be called Lynch/Pilson — which gives the label, or whomever, the ability to use the name familiarity to get the word out and appeal to the fan base. And then in a broader marketing sense, it is a name [L/P] which doesn't limit itself, or apply only to the fan base. Besides, we both pretty much don't care for having our surnames in the band name, but it was hard to avoid. This seemed like the best solution. And of course, I feel pretty silly after having the contest on the web site and all that. Scores of great names were entered, all of which we looked at and examined. But in the end it just seemed like even a really cool name [still love WICKED UNDERGROUND] just didn't fit. Every time we would come back around to L/P and it always seemed the most appropriate. We also didn't want to take anything away from [drummer] Fro and his great contribution to the CD — musically, spiritually, and otherwise, but he likes the name as well. For some reason it just works. So there you have the explanation for the band name, and we'll let you know when we have an album title. We have a few really strong choices, but think it's best to wait until we master the record and prepare the release in the event it changes before then. It certainly wouldn't be the first time that's happened, and I really hate misleading you all if I can avoid it.
"Speaking of the record — wow, and I do mean, WOW!!!!! I'm so pleased with this as a body of work, I almost hate to say too much. I think I'll let the music do the talking, for the most part, but I do have to brag a little. To begin with, George is at a peak form that I don't know if I've ever heard from him before. He's playing so fresh and colorful, but without being afraid to be who he is. Totally on fire, but with that singing melodic feel and expressiveness of his on ten! That, with the quality of songs, and the wonderful drumming by Fro [which also is very fresh, creative, and powerful] makes for the proudest I've been of a melodic rock album ever. There's a band sound and feel to this, which combines the history George and I have, with the freshness and newness of a new band. There's such powerful interplay and yet a real playing-off of the individual strengths. Fro feels like he's been with us since day one — but there's nothing tired or uninspired about this. As you can see I'm very excited — so anxious for you all to hear this — I've gotta be a little more patient. As for sound snippets, we're discussing that, but want to make sure we're happy with the mixes, etc. I am dying to throw a little something out there, though!
"We're also closing in on decisions about management, label, etc. When that dust clears, we may have a realistic idea of the release date and any touring possibilities. Until then, George is working on a killer solo disc, and I'll be playing as many UNDERGROUND MOON dates as I can."