JOB FOR A COWBOY Bassist Talks 'Demonocracy' Album, State Of Death Metal In New Interview
March 6, 2012Jason Saulnier of the MusicLegends.ca web site recently conducted an interview with bassist Nick Schendzielos of Arizona death metallers JOB FOR A COWBOY. A couple of excerpts from the chat follow below.
MusicLegends.ca: How did the recording session go along for the upcoming album?
Nick: It was ridiculous, hilarious, tedious, smooth, rough, difficult and really easy. [Producer] Jason [Suecof] and company at AudioHammer [in Sanford, Florida] are like some crazy weird family you become part of and he was really involved in the music, so having that type of environment is definitely conducive to making a great record.
MusicLegends.ca: Where do you find the inspirations to write music?
Nick: It pretty much all starts from the sun. Helium and hydrogen are combined through a process called nuclear fusion. That energy makes it way towards the earth and through some other processes called photosynthesis and mastication and digestion the energy becomes electrical impulses and neurological synapses that are what we call ideas, thoughts, concepts, etc. Those then get passes around as memes and end up “inspiring” us to form new memes that are slightly based on the ones that inspired us. So pretty much you can sum up what inspires us to write music as "other music."
MusicLegends.ca: What's your vision on the Internet as a tool to promote and market music?
Nick: I think the Internet is the primary way to promote, market, and enjoy music. I love Spotify, YouTube, and the like with a passion. Any time I even think of a song or band that I want to hear, BAM, I have instant access to it on my phone or computer. It's pretty mind-blowing to think about what an amazingly powerful tool it has become. If you look at it as a whole, the sheer mass of the content available online serves to provide a massive amount of competition, so I feel like that is, naturally, going to produce higher quality content, which just means better music and better videos for everybody. I think society should embrace it and incorporate it further into our lives until we merge our consciousness with artificial intelligence and end death.
MusicLegends.ca: How is the health of the death metal world in 2012 in your eyes?
Nick: "In Your Eyes" by Peter Gabriel, has a great passage that I feel represents my sentiments quite well. He says, "When I want to run away, I drive off in my car, but whichever way I go I come back to the place you are all my instincts, they return ….and the grand facade, so soon will burn, without a noise, without my pride I reach out from the inside." If you think about that, and how the grand facade and the part about burning and driving in a car, that's pretty metal. So I guess with that I feel death metal has a relatively good bill of health in 2012. I'm unaware of the last time death metal had the old turn-your-head-and-cough type of a check-up, but if Billboard means anything anymore (not really sure if it does),then the fact that metal and specifically extreme metal bands are consistently in the Top 40 and sometimes even top 10 or 5, that metal has at the very least proved its mettle and sustained itself as a viable form of musical content in the entertainment world at large.
Read the entire interview at MusicLegends.ca
Fan-filmed video footage of JOB FOR A COWBOY performing a brand new song, "Black Discharge", on March 2 at Bogie's in Albany, New York can be seen below. The track comes off the band's new studio album, "Demonocracy", which will be released on April 10 via Metal Blade Records. The nine-track CD was produced by Jason Seucof (THE BLACK DAHLIA MURDER, WHITECHAPEL, TRIVIUM) who recorded the band's blistering "Ruination" full-length, at Audiohammer Studios in Sanford, Florida, and features another strikingly detailed concept cover by artist Brent Elliott White.
"Demonocracy" track listing:
01. Children of Deceit
02. Nourishment Through Bloodshed
03. Imperium Wolves
04. Tongueless and Bound
05. Black Discharge
06. The Manipulation Stream
07. The Deity Misconception
08. Fearmonger
09. Tarnished Gluttony
"Black Discharge" performance footage:
"Nourishment Through Bloodshed" audio stream: