March 3, 2006The New York Post is reporting that Jon Bon Jovi is disgusted rock rival Axl Rose receives more media attention than he does, because the elusive GUNS N' ROSES frontman "hasn't made a record in 13 years." Jon can't seem to get over the fact that the press will always be more fascinated with the bad-boy legacy of GNR than they are with the comparatively bland BON JOVI, according to the Post. He fumes, "You know what pisses me off? I was reading this British rock magazine this month and there was a story about Axl Rose and the $13 million GUNS N' ROSES record that was never made. That motherfucker hasn't made a record in 13 years and he gets all that attention. You know what I've done in 13 years? A lot. But they have continued to write about the freak show aspect of him. Because he's a recluse. That makes him interesting, right?"