JOSH TODD On BUCKCHERRY's Upcoming 11th Album: 'The Songs Are Really Great'

December 4, 2024

In a new interview with Indie Power TV, BUCKCHERRY frontman Josh Todd spoke about the band's upcoming eleventh album, which was recorded last month at a Nashville studio with producer Marti Frederiksen. He said (as transcribed by BLABBERMOUTH.NET): "We just finished recording and we're waiting for the mixes. And the songs are really great. I can't wait for everybody to hear it. That'll drop next year sometime."

Regarding BUCKCHERRY's working relationship with Frederiksen, Todd said: "Yeah, our relationship with Marti goes way back. We co-wrote 'Sorry' with Marti way back on [the] '15' [album], and then 'Black Butterfly' and 'Confessions'. Marti was all part of all that. It's just unfortunate that we didn't get to continue with him because of the politics in B.C. at the time. So, long story short, it's been great to be back with him. I don't ever wanna do a record without him, and he knows that. He understands this band for what's special about BUCKCHERRY, bringing out those elements in us. I think we bring out elements in him that he likes, and we work as a team. We do what's best for the song. We leave the egos at the door and we get to it and we always make great stuff. So it's been a lot of fun making records."

He added: "And [Marti's] got a mini-me. His son is Evan Frederiksen, and he's on this record too. And he was on the last record, and he's really so Marti-ish. And he's gonna be a big player down the line too. He's great. He's very talented. And just like MartiMarti started on drums; that was his instrument. And then [Marti] eventually got into songwriting, and he can play guitar and he sings and he does it all. He's always writing with somebody at all times, so he's just a wealth of information. And I always learn so much doing records with him."

Last month, BUCKCHERRY guitarist Stevie Dacanay (a.k.a. Stevie D.) told Shawn Ratches of Laughingmonkeymusic about the band's upcoming eleventh album: "We're gonna do a 10-song album like we normally do. We got together with Marti Frederiksen at a couple points in this past year to songwrite and then we also demo at my studio in California. And we wrote — I don't know — maybe 20-plus songs. And we always whittle that down to 10 songs… And it will come out probably next year, spring sometime."

Regarding BUCKCHERRY's working relationship with Marti, Stevie said: "We've known him for a very long time. About 20 years ago, he co-wrote [the song] 'Sorry' and then produced the 'Black Butterfly' album after that. So we've known him since then, but we got together with him for [2021's] 'Hellbound' album. We reconnected and, in my opinion, we've done some stuff, sonically and musically, that's been really great. And I love the process. I love coming here [to his studio in Nashville] and working with him. It's such an inspiring kind of environment. And there's a lot of history here at the studio and the vibe here just is real conducive to creating. But yeah, working with Marti, and his son now is an integral part of this camp, a lot gets done pretty quickly. And, yeah, I can't say enough good stuff about this place."

Dacanay went on to speak in more detail about the BUCKCHERRY songwriting process, saying: "There's a considerable amount of preparation before we actually get in here to track the album. So we'll spend the year writing and demoing songs, and then we'll pick out the songs we wanna focus on. And then I'll make a demo of the 10 songs and give 'em to the rest of the guys — Kelly [LeMieux, bass], Francis [Ruiz, drums] and Billy [Rowe, guitar]. They'll learn the songs in kind of what they wanna do their parts. And then we'll all fly in… What happened this time is we all flew in pretty early in the morning and just started cranking it out. And these guys are — they're crackerjacks. So they can get in and do their respective parts in a day, 10 songs, and then their second day would be about just touch-ups or revisions or something like that. But each guy knocks his parts out in a couple days. So they were in and out of here in four or five days, I believe. We had two studios going. There's four studios here. So at one point we'll have two rooms going — one with, let's say Billy's in one room and Kelly's in another tracking or Francis. Francis, at one point, was the only one… When he starts it off, there's nothing else to start recording, so Francis goes first and knocks out the majority of it, and then everyone else just starts jumping in."

"Vol. 10" came out in June 2023. The 11-song LP featured 10 new BUCKCHERRY originals and, as a bonus track, a cover of the Bryan Adams classic "Summer Of 69". The album was produced by Frederiksen and recorded at Sienna Studios in Nashville. The album was released in North America by Round Hill Records, in Japan by Sony Japan, and by Earache Records for the rest of the world.

In November 2023, BUCKCHERRY released a new holiday song called "Tell 'Em It's Christmas".

BUCKCHERRY previously released another holiday song, "Christmas Is Here", back in 2010.

In the summer of 2020, BUCKCHERRY recruited JETBOY's Rowe as its new guitarist. He joined the group as the replacement for Kevin Roentgen, who left BUCKCHERRY in July of that year.

In 2019, BUCKCHERRY enlisted Ruiz as its new drummer. He joined the group as the replacement for Sean Winchester, who exited BUCKCHERRY after laying down the drum tracks on "Warpaint".

Endurance Music Group has announced the January 17, 2025 release of the 20th-anniversary deluxe edition of the double-platinum BUCKCHERRY album "15" on physical and digital formats. Released in 2005, the album featured the four-times-platinum single "Crazy Bitch" and the two-times-platinum single "Sorry". The deluxe edition will be released in North America on a two vinyl LP format featuring the album's 11 original songs as well as four bonus tracks recorded in 2005 and three newly recorded acoustic tracks by Todd and guitarist Stevie Dacanay (a.k.a. Stevie D.)

The album is available for preorder in the U.S. at Amazon and at Real Gone Music.

Outside of North America, the album will be distributed by Earache Records on four exclusive LP colors, black vinyl and deluxe CD formats.

BUCKCHERRY will perform the "15" album in its entirety on all 2025 tour dates which begin in March.

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