KID ROCK 'Gives Credit' To EMINEM And TAYLOR SWIFT For Sharing Their Left-Leaning Political Views

October 25, 2024

Kid Rock says that he doesn't agree with Eminem and Taylor Swift's political views, but he respects them for using their platforms to speak out.

Kid Rock, who is a longtime supporter of former U.S. president and current Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, took to his social media channels on Friday to share a video message in which he said: "I love Eminem. We've been friends for many years. I don't agree with his politics, but I do give credit to him and people like Taylor Swift for standing up and not being afraid to be vocal for that which they believe.

"Thinking differently and having the freedom to do so is what makes this country great," Rock continued. "My stance is unequivocally MAGA, because I know in my heart, mind, body and soul, that President Trump will make America great again. God bless the USA."

Eminem introduced former U.S. president Barack Obama in Detroit on Tuesday at a rally for Kamala Harris, while Taylor Swift publicly endorsed Harris in September after the debate with Trump, calling the Democratic nominee a "steady-handed, gifted leader."

In 2017, Eminem delivered an anti-Trump freestyle at the BET Awards, which included lyrics like "Any fan of mine who's a supporter of his / I'm drawing in the sand a line, you're either for or against."

In 2019, Rock tweeted about Taylor Swift, "Taylor Swift wants to be a democrat because she wants to be in movies….period. And it looks like she will suck the door knob off Hollyweird to get there. Oldest move in the book. Good luck girl."

Eminem appears on Kid Rock's 1998 track "Fuck Off", which was featured on Kid Rock's "Devil Without A Cause" album, and the 2013 music video for Eminem's "Berzerk" featured a Kid Rock cameo.

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