KISS Partners With SIMFY LIVE To Record 'Sonic Boom Over Europe' Tour

April 14, 2010

KISS has partnered up with Simfy Live to record the band's complete upcoming European tour. They will offer the audio recordings of the shows in various ways.

There will be the option to buy the separate recordings on a 1GB USB stick, audio CD or as MP3 download.

Instead of the KISS Kollectors box, they are offering up the Gold KISS USB Stick. A 16GB USB KISS Gold stick (which is empty at first) will be available.

Fans can buy the Gold edition at any time even prior to the tour and then download the concerts of their choice onto the usb on a subscription basis.

There will be three bundle packages:

* 1 Gold stick plus 5 concert download codes.
* 1 Gold stick plus 10 concert download codes.
* 1 Gold stick plus (at least) 30 concert download codes (ALL European recordings).

"Sonic Boom Over Europe" will see dates in Ireland, Switzerland, Italy, Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Norway, Finland, Sweden, Demark, Holland, France, Spain, Belgium and, not only will the tour feature KISS' first U.K. arena shows in 11 years, but it will see the band breaking new ground completely with their first ever shows in Slovakia

About the upcoming tour, guitarist/vocalist Paul Stanley stated, "The KISS Alive 35 Tour was just the start. Sonic Boom Over Europe leaves that show in the dust. New stage, new setlist, new outfits, new album! We're covering the whole musical history of the band on a stage that takes KISS one giant step further in our eight inch heels. We're stoked. You wanted the best? You GOT the best!"

For more information, visit

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