October 8, 2024

According to Billboard, LIMP BIZKIT frontman Fred Durst has filed a lawsuit against the band's record label Universal Music Group, claiming he is owed millions in unpaid royalties.

The lawsuit, which was filed in California federal court on Tuesday, accuses UMG of implementing a "systemic" and "fraudulent" policy that was "deliberately designed" to conceal royalties from artists and "keep those profits for itself." The lawsuit also seeks compensation for other artists who worked with UMG through Durst's Flawless Records.

Durst claims that he's never received any royalties from Universal throughout his career, despite the fact that the band has sold over 45 million records and its songs have accumulated more than 450 million streams on Spotify so far this year.

Durst and his bandmates are seeking $20 million in damages. However, they claim that the total amount owed to them by Universal could "easily surpass" $200 million.

According to the documents, UMG allegedly told Durst's representatives that approximately $43 million still needs to be recouped in order for Durst to get any royalties. Because of this, representatives for Durst were allegedly told that there would not be any royalties since UMG wasn't "required to provide them since his account was so far from recoupment." However, Durst's team says it found out that the band's original label, Flip Records, has earned millions from profit-sharing with Universal Music Group.

"Given the vast amounts of money collected by UMG in relation to sales of LIMP BIZKIT's and Flawless Records' albums over the years … UMG is liable to plaintiffs for tens of millions of dollars in copyright infringement, if not more," the lawsuit reads. "Indeed, Plaintiffs allege that the amounts owed to them by UMG following the rescission of these agreements will easily surpass $200 million."

UMG is being accused of rescission, violating a contract recording agreement, fraudulent concealment, breach of fiduciary duty, intentional misrepresentation, negligent misrepresentation and copyright infringement.

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