LINKIN PARK: No New Album Until 2007

August 29, 2006

Jonathan Cohen of reports that LINKIN PARK is still at work on the follow-up to 2003's "Meteora" with producer Rick Rubin. The as-yet-untitled new album was originally expected by the end of the year via Warner Bros., "but at this point we don't see that happening," group member Mike Shinoda told fans last week during an online chat. "We're doing really well, but we just need a little more time."

"We have narrowed it down to about 30-50 songs, and some of those are heavy, some are softer and some are in between," he continued. "So far it has a different sound that I cannot describe. It sounds like it's older, but not vintage. More organic in some spots, like just yesterday we recorded a song with no samples that is completely raw. Other songs are full of samples."

One new song, provisionally named "Qwerty" (audio),was debuted earlier this month in Japan. "We did those lyrics on the plane on the way to Japan," Shinoda said. "I'm not sure if it'll make the album, but we liked the song enough to play it."


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