October 24, 2024

Mark Morton, guitarist and lyricist of LAMB OF GOD and acclaimed solo artist, has released his powerful cover of LYNYRD SKYNYRD's iconic track "The Needle And The Spoon". This rendition showcases Morton's deep reverence for southern rock legends while infusing the track with his signature heavy sound featuring vocals from Neil Fallon of CLUTCH. Fans can watch a special visualizer for the song below.

As a native of small-town Virginia, Morton grew up on the sounds of southern rock, with bands like LYNYRD SKYNYRD shaping his musical foundation. For Morton, covering "The Needle And The Spoon" is not just a tribute to a classic; it's a personal reflection of his own musical roots and the lasting impact of SKYNYRD's bluesy, swaggering rock.

"As a small kid in the '70s and '80s, southern rock bands were the soundtrack of my youth. None of them resonated any deeper with me than LYNYRD SKYNYRD. Their signature guitar driven blues-rock has had a profound influence on my playing," says Morton. "It's hard to pick a favorite SKYNYRD song, but 'The Needle And The Spoon' is certainly on the list. Allen Collins's grimy, swaggering riff paired with Ronnie Van Zant's dark depiction of addiction are every bit as relevant and captivating today as they were when they were released 50 years ago.

"Having toured with CLUTCH for many years and having been a fan of their music for even longer, I've long wanted to work together with Neil. Covering 'The Needle And The Spoon' was something we were both excited to do together and we're thrilled with how it turned out. I hope you dig it!"

Fallon adds: "I was flattered when Mark asked me to sing LYNYRD SKYNYRD's 'The Needle And The Spoon'. I won't lie, though, I was nervous, because, well… Ronnie Van Zant. No one is going to equal his delivery. But I hope I did it some measure of justice. And if that doesn't convince you, then Mark's guitar solo surely will. It rips!"

The release follows Morton's acclaimed solo work and ongoing commitment to exploring genres outside of LAMB OF GOD's heavy metal focus. More new music from Mark Morton is expected soon.

In June, Morton released an autobiography, "Desolation: A Heavy Metal Memoir", via Hachette Books. "Desolation" is, at its core, about Morton's journey as a musician navigating self-doubt, anxiety, and the progressive disease of addiction, and ultimately finding relative serenity and gratitude.

Morton co-founded LAMB OF GOD, which was initially called BURN THE PRIEST, in 1994.

In 2019, Morton released his debut solo album, "Anesthetic".

LAMB OF GOD's latest LP, "Omens", came out in 2022.

Photo credit: Carly Squires

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