MACHINE HEAD: New Audio Interview With PHIL DEMMEL Posted Online

October 5, 2007

"Metallicity Radio Hour" recently conducted an interview with MACHINE HEAD's lead guitarist Phil Demmel. The chat took place shortly before the cancellation of the band's Buffalo stop of the "Black Tyranny Tour". MACHINE HEAD decided to call off the show due to an illness that has plagued several members of the group, including Phil, who sounds "sick as a dog" during the interview.

Check out the chat in audio format at YouTube.

"Metallicity Radio Hour" serves the Niagara region of Southern Ontario, dishing out metal every Wednesday from 10 p.m. to 11 p.m. on 103.7 FM. Check it out at

MACHINE HEAD's video for the song "Now I Lay Thee Down" can be viewed below.

According to Headbanger's Blog, the clip was shot in February and additional footage was filmed in August. Mike Sloat directed, working in various locations around San Francisco, but mostly in and around the Regency Center, a theater built in 1909. According to Roadrunner Records, "All of the backdrops of the play are original to the theater, close to 100 years old and include ornate images of hell, forest, and more.

As for the plot, the band's label says, "the video is a play about a past time in which a strange and grotesque man, who is shunned by society and outcast, decides that he wants to know what it's like to die. He asks his lover, the only person who cares for him, to take his life. Reluctantly, she does. But then she becomes so distraught and miserable about losing her only love that she decides she must take her own life as well to be with him forever. The play ends with the two lovers together again, at last in the afterlife. The curtain drops and the entire cast bows to the audience."

MACHINE HEAD has recruited Brandon Sigmund (photo) from fellow San Francisco Bay Area metal band HOSTILITY to handle the bass parts on the group's current North American tour.

Sigmund is the temporary replacement for regular MACHINE HEAD bassist Adam Duce, who was forced to sit out the trek after suffering a broken leg while dirt biking in Redding, CA. Also joining the band onstage to reproduce Adam's backing vocals is Jared MacEachern of tourmates SANCTITY.

Duce's leg is healing normally and he's currently on track to rejoin the band for the rest of their 2007 tour schedule, starting with their Loudpark 07 (Japan) date in late October.

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