Man Charged With Murder Claims He Was Involved With BLACK LABEL SOCIETY 'Cult'

December 23, 2011

According to Argus Leader, the convicted felon who confessed to slashing the throat of a 75-year-old South Dakota hospice nurse claimed that he became involved with a "cult" called the "Black Label Society," which he said was founded by Zakk Wylde, who fronts a band of the same name.

James McVay, 41, is charged with first-degree murder and burglary in the stabbing death of Maybelle Schein.

McVay said he killed Schein in her bed less than 48 hours after being released into a minimum security community transition program June 30.

He later told detectives and Wisconsin television reporters that he killed the woman and stole her car as part of a plot to steal and kill his way to Washington, D.C., to assassinate President Obama.

During a July 2011 jailhouse interview, McVay told WKOW that he cooked up a presidential assassination plot while in solitary confinement in Sioux Falls, where he "sat with nothing but a radio and my own hallucinations."

He stayed in solitary confinement up until the day he was released, and in that month he says he made plans to kill the President.

In a letter to the Argus Leader sent earlier this year, McVay wrote, "Within 36 hours of my arrival at Unit C once again, I was thoroughly intoxicated on dextromethorphan, and had literally pledged my allegiance to Lucifer as I sat under the bridge by Sertoma Park listening to Zak Wild (sic) … waiting for my instructions from on high."

Read more from Argus Leader.

**UPDATE**: After this story was first published on BLABBERMOUTH.NET, Zakk Wyldetweeted a link to the article with the accompanying message, "Please do not RT or comment - Black Label Society is a Rock Band - no further comment."

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