MANOWAR Bassist: 'Our Music Only Makes People Want To Drink And Make Love And Have Fun'

March 20, 2013

On March 19, MANOWAR bassist Joey DeMaio was interviewed on the Russian TV channel ETB (Ekburg TV). You can now watch video footage of his appearance below.

MANOWAR has just completed the second leg of "The Lord Of Steel World Tour" with shows in Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia.

Leg 2 of this tour continued with a power-filled set, including songs from the brand new studio album, "The Lord Of Steel", and many other classic MANOWAR hymns.

"The Lord Of Steel" is now available in stores and on iTunes and was first celebrated live during Leg 1 of "The Lord Of Steel World Tour" in Spain, France, Holland, Germany, Czech Republic and Russia.

"This tour has been fantastic so far. The audience was wild and crazy. We can't wait to unleash 'The Lord Of Steel' to more countries!" said DeMaio.

A photo gallery showing some highlights of Leg 1 of the tour can be seen here.

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