MIKE PORTNOY Says ELOY CASAGRANDE Is Definitely 'The Second-Best Drummer For SLIPKNOT'

June 28, 2024

In a new interview with Brazil's Marcelo Vieira and Mateus Ribeiro, DREAM THEATER drummer Mike Portnoy was asked if he thinks Eloy Casagrande is "the perfect drummer for SLIPKNOT". Portnoy responded (as transcribed by BLABBERMOUTH.NET): "I do. Eloy really… Well, actually, no. The perfect drummer for SLIPKNOT would have been [my son] Max Portnoy. [Laughs] But the second-best drummer for SLIPKNOT, behind Max, is definitely Eloy. I mean, he's a perfect fit, a perfect pick. He has so much incredible technique, but beyond technique, he plays with a lot of spirit and balls and personality. And sometimes, for me, that's way more important than technique. But in his case, he has both. He has it all. And I couldn't be happier for him. And I'm also happy for Greyson [Nekrutman] who took his place in SEPULTURA, 'cause he's another favorite modern drummer of mine. So, the kind of triangle between SEPULTURA, SLIPKNOT and SUICIDAL TENDENCIES, with [former SLIPKNOT drummer] Jay Weinberg going to SUICIDAL, it's the perfect metal triangle. I think all three of those drummers are tremendous, and they've all Gotten great gigs."

25-year-old Max Portnoy has played drums for such bands as TALLAH and CODE ORANGE.

After parting ways with Jay Weinberg last November, SLIPKNOT teased fans with a hint about a new drummer more than four months ago, posting a photo of a single broken drumstick online with the caption "Rehearsal."

The band explained in a statement that the split with Weinberg was a creative decision. Jay followed up with a statement of his own, saying that he was "heartbroken and blindsided" by his dismissal.


Casagrande abruptly quit SEPULTURA four and a half months ago, shortly before he was supposed to begin rehearsals for the band's recently launched 40th-anniversary farewell tour.

"February 6th, a few days prior to the first rehearsal, drummer Eloy Casagrande informed the band that he was leaving SEPULTURA to pursue a career in another project," the band said in a statement.

Casagrande joined SEPULTURA nearly 13 years ago as the replacement for Jean Dolabella.

SLIPKNOT's latest album "The End, So Far", arrived in August 2022. It marked the band's the last full-length LP before the departure of both keyboardist Craig Jones, who left the group in June 2023, and Weinberg.

SLIPKNOT recently announced the North American portion of the "Here Comes The Pain" tour. The band is celebrating the 25th anniversary of its seminal debut album, "Slipknot", which catapulted the band back in 1999.

In addition to the already announced dates across the globe, the "Here Comes The Pain" tour, produced by Live Nation, includes arena plays nationwide this summer. Highlights include New York City's Madison Square Garden, Los Angeles's Intuit Dome, Austin's Moody Center and more with direct support from Kentucky's young and vibrant hardcore/metal forerunners KNOCKED LOOSE. ORBIT CULTURE and VENDED are confirmed as support on select dates.

Mike Portnoy photo credit: Travis Shinn

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