MORTIIS Featured On 'Broken' And 'Devil's Chair' Soundtracks
July 18, 2006According to a posting on Norwegian eccentric artist Mortiis' official web site, Mortiis is currently wrapping up work on the soundtrack to Adam Mason's ultra-violent horror film "Broken".
Mortiis has been working on and off on the project for the last year and has created what he says is "probably an album's worth of really atmospheric and eerie stuff. A lot of it is really dark. Some of it actually is semi-song structured, with some melody and and sense to it, I haven´t really heard that too often in horror films before, we really think it works. Each piece was sent to director Adam Mason as it got completed to get his approval."
"Broken" will be released by Renegade Films.
To view a trailer for "Broken", click here (Note: no Mortiis music is included in this trailer).
Adam Mason's latest film, "The Devil's Chair" (also by Renegade Films),will feature Mortiis' music as well. At the moment, it's not yet decided whether it will include exclusively written songs (like in "Broken") or if it will feature material from the new album (currently in progress) or a mixture of both. More news on this will be made available soon.
Mortiis and Adam Mason worked together for the first time when Mason directed the "Decadent & Desperate" video for the single of the same name.