MUNICIPAL WASTE Interviewed In Vienna; Video Available

September 19, 2009

Austria's webzine conducted an interview with Tony Foresta and Philip "Landphil" Hall of the Richmond, Virginia crossover act MUNICIPAL WASTE when the band performed in Vienna, Austria on September 8, 2009. Watch the chat below.

"Massive Aggressive", the new album from MUNICIPAL WASTE, sold around 2,100 copies in the United States in its first week of release, according to Nielsen SoundScan. The CD landed at No. 10 on the Top New Artist Albums (Heatseekers) chart, which lists the best-selling albums by new and developing artists, defined as those who have never appeared in the Top 100 of The Billboard 200.

"Massive Aggressive" was released on August 25 via Earache Records. According to a press release, the CD "brings the promise of the band's most ferocious and most focused album of their career." With such ferocity flowing through the whole of the album, the group knew it needed the right visuals to complement the vibe of the music. MUNICIPAL WASTE vocalist Tony Foresta claims that the only man who could get that imagery just right was Andrei Bouzikov, the artist responsible for the cover to 2007's "The Art Of Partying".

"Wrong Answer", the new video from MUNICIPAL WASTE, was filmed in New York City with director David Brodsky (SUICIDE SILENCE, THE BLACK DAHLIA MURDER, IN THIS MOMENT) and his crew at MyGoodEye, is said to have been inspired by '70s game shows, gore, and more.

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