NEVER ENOUGH: 'Devil I Am' Video Posted Online

December 9, 2007

NEVER ENOUGH (a.k.a. N3V3R 3N0U6H) — the band featuring EIGHTEEN VISIONS guitarist Keith Barney (ex-THROWDOWN) drummer Trevor Friedrich, and ex-LYLAH frontman Norman Matthew — has released its video for the song "Devil I Am". Check it out at

"Devil I Am" comes off the group's self-titled debut album, which was released on December 4 through Corporate Punishment Records.

Said guitarist/producer Barney, "NEVER ENOUGH is an outlet for all the love, rage and sadness in our lives. We know there are people out there that are just like us, people who still truly care about what's going on in the world around them and not just what's right in front of them."

On differences from his past project, Barney adds, "lyrically, we touch on politics and some other things which never happened in EIGHTEEN VISIONS. It's more message and idea driven, really trying to connect with people. There are songs that hit every spectrum of emotions — heavy and pissed, quiet and personal. It's really important to me that people don't just see this as an EIGHTEEN VISIONS spin-off."

Regarding the band's use of numbers in its name, Barney says, "everything is based in numbers — population, salaries, status, polls. Numbers represent a lot of the bad things in the world and the le tters represent communication and the things we need more of. People just can't seem to fucking get enough. Can't kill enough. Can't steal enough. Can't get thin enough. Can't get rich enough. You name it and people want more of it."

For more information, visit the band's MySpace page.

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