NEVERMORE Guitarist Announces Launch Date For Internet Guitar Lessons

January 27, 2007

NEVERMORE/ex-TESTAMENT guitarist Steve Smyth has issued the following update:

"I am happy to announce the launch date for my Internet guitar lessons as Tuesday, January 30th, 2007. In this letter, you will find all necessary information concerning the lessons, including dates and times available, cost, and most importantly, the methods we will use to communicate via the Internet.

"After 20-plus years of teaching guitar, I have come to the conclusion that a half-hour lesson is not enough time to learn something new, and review the previous lesson, two things necessary for your growth as a musician. I have decided to do hour-only lessons in the following two formats: one hour weekly (your date and time),or one hour every other week (alternating with another student).

"The following days and times will be available for lessons: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, from 10am to 7pm PST (Pacific Standard Time). Please note: I will not be available from 12 to 1pm PST on those days.

"Cost per lesson will be USD $50, my standard rate, and payment for one month is required in advance of the first lesson. No exceptions. Payment will be accepted using any major credit/debit card (Visa, Mastercard, Amex, etc.),electronic check/bank transfer, or PayPal.

"Lessons will be given via webcam, via instant messenging; iChat for Mac users and AIM 5.9 for PC users. This is the method I have chosen after careful review, and a compatibility check."

For more information, go to

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