NICKELBACK Singing Record Label's Praises

January 28, 2003

NICKELBACK have boosted Roadrunner Records to a status to compete with the major labels of the record business. Thanks to NICKLEBACK's Grammy nomination for "How You Remind Me" and "Silver Side Up" selling several million copies, the band and the label are both gaining notoriety.

It hasn't all been NICKELBACK carrying the label on its shoulders, though, notes NICKELBACK vocalist Chad Kroeger.

"I'm very proud to be largely responsible for putting them on the map. I mean, they were doing the same thing for us when we were nobodies," Chad said. "They were just sinking tons of money they didn't have into us and really trying to break us as their first radio band. And then we turned around and handed them 'Silver Side Up' so...I mean if we were on any other record label in the world we would have been dropped after our first month of shitty sales."

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