NIKKI SIXX: 'I Don't See A Reason Right Now' For MÖTLEY CRÜE 'To Go In The Studio' And Record More New Music

June 27, 2024

In a new interview with Riff X 's "Metal XS", MÖTLEY CRÜE bassist Nikki Sixx spoke about the band's plans for the coming months. He said (as transcribed by BLABBERMOUTH.NET): "We're just playing festivals, and that takes us into October. We don't have any plans next year yet. I know there's some conversations about stuff. I mean, we have a few singles [already recorded], so I don't see us [recording any new music right now]… We're not gonna be around. I live in Wyoming and Vince [Neil, CRÜE singer] lives in Tennessee, two guys in California, so I don't… I don't actually see a reason right now to go in the studio, 'cause we've got two more singles [recorded and ready] to [release]. And I always wanna be sure that if we go in the studio, we have a reason or we have something we're really inspired by, but it's a lot of scheduling, and we tour and we have families. For me specifically, I have a five-year-old daughter, and I really wanna be with her as much as possible. So when the time came to go do these demos of these three songs and then go in the studio with [producer] Bob Rock, it was like a perfect time. And that time will happen again, but there's no rush."

Regarding the possibility of returning to Europe next year, Nikki said: "We're in '24, and we don't really know what '25 looks like, but I'm sure we'll come up with something fun to do and make sure that we're there for the fans. I mean, we just did Europe, so I don't see going back there for a second. But we love it over there. We had such a great time in Europe this last time. We got to spend two months over there, which is a long time. But what was nice about that is once we got over there, we got unjetlagged and the schedule wasn't so tight. And I had my family with me. I was able to be with the band and play concerts, but also experienced Europe, all over Europe. So that was a really good time.

"I'm enjoying this pace of working," Nikki added. "I really enjoy it. I don't feel burnt out. In the past, artists, we get burnt out, 'cause, you, you tour so much. And I'm really enjoying where we're at. We make music when we feel it. We do shows when we feel it."

MÖTLEY CRÜE's latest single, "Dogs Of War", was made available on April 26 via the band's new deal with Nashville's Big Machine Records

The "Dogs Of War" music video is an animated, all-CGI affair directed by Nick DenBoer.

In addition to "Dogs Of War", MÖTLEY CRÜE recorded a new song called "Canceled" and a cover of BEASTIE BOYS' "(You Gotta) Fight For Your Right (To Party!)", the latter two of which have not yet been released.

MÖTLEY CRÜE's deal with Big Machine sees the band and the label working together again after making the 2014 project "Nashville Outlaws: A Tribute To Mötley Crüe", which featured CRÜE tracks covered by country stars RASCAL FLATTS, FLORIDA GEORGIA LINE, Darius Rucker and more. Big Machine also partnered with MÖTLEY CRÜE's new guitarist John 5 for the release of his 2021 album "Sinner".

MÖTLEY CRÜE's last studio album was 2008's "Saints Of Los Angeles", which was followed by a 2009 "Greatest Hits" compilation.

In 2018, MÖTLEY CRÜE recorded four new songs for "The Dirt" movie, including the single "The Dirt (Est. 1981) (Feat. Machine Gun Kelly)", "Ride With The Devil", "Crash And Burn" and the band's own spin on Madonna's "Like A Virgin".

John 5 joined MÖTLEY CRÜE in the fall of 2022 as the replacement for the band's co-founding guitarist Mick Mars. Mick announced his retirement from touring with MÖTLEY CRÜE in October 2022 as a result of worsening health issues.

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