NY Times: METALLICA Thrashes Back to 80's Angst
July 9, 2003Jon Pareles of The New York Times reports that METALLICA brought along a fan club for its Summer Sanitarium tour: the other four hard-rock bands on the bill at Giants Stadium Tuesday night (July 8) . One by one they gave testimonials to METALLICA's influence. MUDVAYNE's lead singer, Chad Gray, wore a METALLICA T-shirt. Chino Moreno of the DEFTONES raised a drink to METALLICA. LINKIN PARK's lead singer, Chester Bennington, called METALLICA the greatest band on earth, and Fred Durst of LIMP BIZKIT seemed so cowed by the prospect of performing for METALLICA fans that he sang "Welcome Home (Sanitarium)", which METALLICA would play much better in its own set.
METALLICA's barreling momentum and the midrange bite of its guitar tones have been ingrained in hard rock for a decade every band owes them something. But when other musicians start laying on the testimonials so thickly it can mean the object of their praise is over the hill and in need of their endorsement. Not METALLICA. With the first power chords and drum barrages of a set that ran more than two hours, it simply obliterated the other bands on the bill. Read more.