OZZY OSBOURNE's Reversed Vasectomy

December 9, 2007

MonstersAndCritics.com reports that Ozzy Osbourne had his vasectomy reversed after wife Sharon told him she wanted another child.

The singer had the sterilization procedure after having two children with first wife Thelma and adopting her son Elliot, and three with current wife Sharon, but had it reversed when Sharon begged him for another baby.

Ozzy said: "Every time I came off tour, we'd go to bed and Sharon would get pregnant. So she said, 'You've got to have the old snip otherwise you're not coming close to me!' So I had it done.

"Then she got broody, saying 'I want another baby!' I said, 'Well I can't do it anymore.' She said, 'You can have it reversed.' The doctor told me to make up my bloody mind! I did have it reversed in the end."

Following the birth of son Jack, Sharon was diagnosed with a condition which affected her fallopian tubes and her ability to get pregnant.

Sharon said: "After Jack was born I had this viral infection which affected my tubes. We tried IVF but it didn't work and it put us through so much stress. More power to people who can keep going back to do it.

"But it did me in emotionally. And then I thought, 'I have three gorgeous kids, what is there to be unhappy about?'"

(Thanks: Lord of Noise)

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