PARAGON: Possible New Album Title Revealed
November 14, 2006PARAGON bassist Jan Bünning has posted the following message on the band's official web site:
"Tomorrow [November 15] we will have the last rehearsal for our show on Friday which will take place at the Falkendom in Bielefeld, Germany. It will be the last show for this year, and and next Buschi (Andreas Babuschkin; vocals) will continue to record the vocals for our next album which will now maybe will be called 'Forgotten Prophecies'. So far he has done the four tracks — 'Gangland', 'Face Of Death', 'Halls Of Doom' as well as the cover version we recorded. I [have] not heard anything with vocals so far, but according to Buschi, all went very well and sounds more aggressive as ever before. To be honest I can't wait to hear some track he recorded. I guess I have to pay him a visit next week and hear if he is right.
"Next week we will also start to rehearse new songs of the next album which we plan to play live in the future as well as begin to write new material for the album after that! We always worked this way and already have some new riffs.
"We are also proud to announce our new booking company. It's called Sonic Boom and is run by no other than Tom Naumann of PRIMAL FEAR."
PARAGON's new album will contain the following tracks (in no particular order):
01. Hammer Of The Gods
02. Face Of Death
03. Gangland
04. Souleaters
05. Instrumental
06. Forgotten Prophecies
07. Halls Of Doom
08. Arise!
09. Wargods
10. Agony
PARAGON's latest album, "Revenge", was released in the U.S. in April 2005 via Magick Records. The CD was the follow-up to "The Dark Legacy", which was released in 2003 by Remedy.