PAUL GILBERT's Next Guitar Reissue Revealed

April 2, 2009

Ibanez is celebrating the 20th anniversary since the first PGM model was introduced. Possibly the most famous collector of classic Ibanez guitars, Paul Gilbert (MR. BIG, RACER X) has had another model reissued, revealed at this year's Musikmesse Frankfurt in Germany. Fans and owners of Paul Gilbert's signature line of guitars voted for the next model to be reissued online. This model, chosen democratically by voters, will be released at the Musikmesse Frankfurt show and sent to production.

"To me, one of the unique things about that guitar, for whatever reason, was that it cleaned up really nice. I remember playing that guitar on 'The Tonight Show', doing a song called 'Just Take My Heart' that had a really clean sound. It just sounded beautiful on that. There was no channel switching necessary. I just plugged it into a cranked up Marshall, turned the volume down, and got this beautiful, clear, shimmering sound. Of course when you crank it up, it was total metal," commented the virtuoso guitarist. "So that was the guitar that my hands have spent the most time on out of any of the PGMs. I think my chest cavity has modified to its shape. It's a very very dear guitar to me. I love it."

A press conference is being held, with further details regarding the re-issue to surface shortly.

One of the most gifted artists in the art of instrumental rock guitar, Paul Gilbert is not only one of the very fastest on the fretboard, he is also one of the most musical in the genre, with ideas and themes that are never eclipsed by his unearthly speed. Paul's impressive career includes RACER X, MR. BIG, his own solo works, as well as teaching in both the United States and Japan (where Paul enjoys considerable acclaim and popularity). While his 2009 PGM20TH Twentieth Anniversary, Fireman, and PGM401 signature models all celebrate the 20 years since the debut of his signature PGM model, his relationship with Ibanez is actually several years longer, which includes his stellar performance at the Ibanez GuitarMania concert at the 1987 summer NAMM show, considered to be the "rebirth" of Ibanez with its new roster of virtuoso players. In addition, Paul Gilbert is both an in-demand clinician for Ibanez, and arguably the most famous collector of vintage Ibanez guitars in the world.

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