PENTAGRAM's BOBBY LIEBLING Says He Blew Millions On Drugs
March 16, 2010JJ Koczan of The Obelisk recently conducted an interview with legendary PENTAGRAM frontman Bobby Liebling. A couple of excerpts follow below.
On playing his hometown:
"When you live somewhere, people say, 'Wow, it's gonna be great! The hometown crowd!' No. It's going to be empty because they take for granted that they can come see you again and be fine. That's the true psychology that people don't read. Always, whenever I play for Washington D.C. or Baltimore, I say, 'Ah shit on a stick, I gotta play D.C. This bullshit. Fuck, I gotta play Maryland.'"
On the renewed interest in PENTAGRAM:
"I can pinpoint it down to the people my age, who have grown up, have had children who are now 16 and over, and can attend PENTAGRAM shows. Their parents turn them on to PENTAGRAM. I've met hundreds of couples who brought their kids worldwide. Every country I've been to at least has had two or three couples bringing their children with them and have said, 'I've been listening to PENTAGRAM for 30 years, I want you to meet my son, he's dying to meet you.' I'm covering a generation from 16 to 60."
On drug life:
"I was in the underbelly of life. I made millions, tens of millions of dollars, sometimes in cash, five-figure millions at a time, but it was all running cocaine for the Median cartel during the Escobar years. And I blew it all, every dime of it on my own personal whoring, car-buying, house-buying for my friends, buying Ferraris and chinchilla coats and diamond rings for broads and flaunting it. I was 25 years old and we were running across from Bogotá and back in a Cessna every week and splitting $20 million cash three ways (laughs). And I shot it all up. I'm not proud of it at all..."
On his recovery:
"I quit all those drugs. 40 years of shooting heroin, up to a thousand-dollar-a-day habit, on top of 100 milligrams of methadone piggybacked, and $500-$1000 every day of my life of crack smoking around the clock, sometimes staying up 10 days without one minute of sleep or one bite of food or drink, and doing all of that and then stopping cold turkey, no programs, no hospitals, no help, no crutches, nothing. Absolutely because of my love of Hallie, my wife..."
Read the full interview at The Obelisk.
Quality video footage of PENTAGRAM's October 1, 2009 performance at The Rock in Copenhagen, Denmark can be viewed below.