PETER CRISS On Current KISS: 'No Matter Who They Get To Put Stuff On Their Face, It Ain't Us'
August 16, 200840° 74° magazine has published a new interview with original KISS drummer Peter Criss and his wife Gigi about their life in Monmouth County, New Jersey.
"That was it for me," Criss said of his decision to leave KISS for the last time in 2003. "That was like: Ace [Frehley, guitar] ain't here. This ain't the original band. I said to Gigi, 'I can't do this with these guys. I made this band what it is. I'm one of the founding fathers. No matter who they get to put stuff on their face, it ain't us. You can take the mask off the Lone Ranger and put it on someone else, but it ain't the Lone Ranger.' We ended it on my 58th birthday, which couldn't have been more apropos."
Regarding his home in Spring Lake, New Jersey, Criss said, "The year before we got married, I came out here for Christmas. I hadn't had a Christmas with snow for eons. I really missed it in California. We were dating then. I was taking the garbage down. There were all these deer surrounding the garbage area. They were beautiful, man. I just love deer anyway. Some people can shoot them. I don't get that.
"Something happened an epiphany, call it what you want. But I just felt God said, 'You're gonna marry this girl, and you're gonna live here.'
"I said (to Gigi),'Go find a house. Buy it. Make sure it’s got a pool, a lot of privacy and land.' Gigi looked at a bunch of places. I came here. We named the house Harmony. I fell in love with it. I've got land, I have privacy, I have my studio downstairs, I have a pool. I have all the great things a kid from Brooklyn — trust me — never had. What more do you really want in life?
"I find here and now is a great place for Peter Criss. I love it here. It's paradise."
Read the entire article from 40° 74° magazine.