RICKY WARWICK Recruits LITA FORD For New Single 'Don't Leave Me In The Dark'; 'Blood Ties' Album Due In March

October 9, 2024

Ricky Warwick will release a new solo album, "Blood Ties", on March 14, 2025 via Earache Records. The official music video for the LP's latest single, "Don't Leave Me In The Dark", which features Lita Ford on guest vocals, can be seen below.

About the single, Ricky comments: "This was the first song written for the album and details the intricacies of love and the battles we fight to stay in it. When you put everything into a relationship and the significant other doesn't reciprocate, there's always a huge mental toll, a price to pay on commitment."

About the duet, Ricky continues: "Lita Ford is a true hardcore rocker; she's the real deal in every way. The attitude, energy and professionalism she brought to the video shoot was inspiring on every level… She also brought her famous original Hamer guitar that dates way back to her time in THE RUNAWAYS.

"When I wrote the lyrics for 'Don't Leave Me In The Dark', I knew right away the song needed to be performed as a duet. Lita instantly sprang to mind. I'm honored that she agreed to be a part of it. She absolutely nailed it sonically and visually, as I knew she would."

Lita comments: "When I first got the call to record a duet with Ricky Warwick, my first thought was about the legacy that this man carries. From our beloved early THIN LIZZY days up to today, Ricky carries that torch. An era that is close to my soul. Ricky's image and voice is as dark and mysterious as his black leather and black Les Paul, but at the same time, a super-cool and mega-talented artist.

"When I heard the song 'Don't Leave Me In The Dark', I felt that it would be a killer duet because our vocal styles and images would complement each other. I really enjoyed working with someone who is so talented, down to earth, and has real grit and determination."

Ricky dug deep for "Blood Ties" and by doing so has made this one of his most personal records yet. Big cathartic guitar sounds and life-affirming, often joyous assessments of where he is in life right now have made it a standout body of work in a career that has spanned over four decades at the coalface of rock 'n' roll.

"I mined a deep seam to make this record, it's in the darkest, most uncharted of places where the real energy is to be found." Ricky notes. "There comes a time in everyone's life when the game is afoot, and the decision is taken to face down and exorcise personal demons. The situation finally seemed right to deal with these and try to express my feelings, fears and anxieties in as uplifting a way as possible, turning negativity into positivity. To do that I had to make sure the guitars were turned up way beyond driven."

As a solo artist and an esteemed singer/songwriter in his own right, Warwick has also collaborated with some of the finest musicians on the planet and with "Blood Ties" and has enlisted some notable guests including the aforementioned Lita Ford, Billy Duffy (THE CULT) and Charlie Starr (BLACKBERRY SMOKE).

The album was produced by Ricky's friend and creative compadre Keith Nelson (BUCKCHERRY). The cover of the "Blood Ties" was also designed and drawn by Ricky's stepdaughter Zoe Hinton.

Ricky Warwick remains undoubtedly one of the hardest working men in rock 'n' roll and his creativity continues to roar with "Blood Ties" being as much a celebration of his stellar songwriting as it is his ethos towards doing the best he can for himself and for the fans.

Ricky says: "If people can connect with this album, musically, lyrically, its artwork, or better still all three then that is all I can really ask and hope for. If it means as much to someone else as it does to me then I feel my work is done. For me, it's all about what other people think. What's the point in creating art if you don't share and care?"

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