ROB ZOMBIE Delaying Album Release Until New Movie Is Done

January 26, 2009

According to The Pulse of Radio, Rob Zombie says he's going to delay the release of his new album until after he is finished shooting "H2", the sequel to his successful 2007 remake of "Halloween". In an interview with Icons Of Fright, Zombie said, "I'll probably put that out after I'm done shooting the movie. The record's done and sitting on the shelf waiting to come out, but I don't want to put it out while I'm shooting 'Halloween 2' because I can't deal with it too much. I'm really excited about it, though."

Zombie added that the record, which does not yet have a title, should be out by the end of summer.

The rocker-turned-director will begin shooting "H2" in March, with the release scheduled for the end of August.

Zombie also said in the interview that he decided to come back to the "Halloween" franchise because he wanted to expand the story beyond just remaking the original.

He explained, "I originally envisioned it as two movies ... but unfortunately I couldn't convince anyone to take the stance and make two films back to back." He added that the new movie will focus less on serial killer Michael Myers and more on his sister, Laurie, saying, "Everyone she knows is basically dead, and she is related to the person that did it all and doesn't even know who the f*** she is. So it's really the journey of figuring out who she is."

Following the success of the newly released "My Bloody Valentine 3D", Zombie said he'd be interested in shooting in 3D, but only if "you can use 3D without making it a 3D movie ... just tell a story, but you don't have to shove anything in your face."

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