ROBERT PLANT Still Holding On To Three Unused Quaaludes
April 26, 2018According to The Pulse Of Radio, Robert Plant revealed that he's saved an old prescription for the long-discontinued drug Quaaludes. During a chat with Mojo, Plant said that he keeps the three uneaten pills in a bottle in his home, explaining: "The label on the bottle says, 'Robert Plant — for sleeplessness' — it looks like an album cover. Three Rorer 714s, from Schwartz pharmacy in L.A., and I often think to myself, wow, there they are — poison!" Plant went on to joke about taking Ambien during the festivities for his upcoming 70th birthday on August 20, saying: "So if ever there's a day for opiates. I might drop an Ambien and see what happens. If there's a bustle in the hedgerow, it'll be me, snoring!"
When pressed about the plans for LED ZEPPELIN's 50th anniversary, Plant grew more serious, stating: "It's 50 years, but it's not 50 years — it's 38 years of darkness for a family (i.e. John Bonham's). So all that hullabaloo is great, and I'm sure there'll be some great things to come out of it... I really can't wait to hear (the archival releases) — I might even get a free copy."
Robert Plant has always reminded fans and followers clamoring for a LED ZEPPELIN reunion that the loss of John Bonham goes far deeper than a band needing a new drummer in order to play. "Well, Bonzo and I, we'd been through so many things before the 'big time,'" he said. "We kinda read each other like books — we were like brothers. But in reality, and physicality, and spiritually, losing John, obviously we... everybody got together and said, 'This can never work again.' Our real concern then was to kind of protect [his wife] Pat and the whole family from this kind of surge of media stuff. And it's so debilitating, really, and I experienced that a couple of years before that, myself. And to lose John was criminal."
Plant recently wrapped his North American dates behind his latest album, "Carry Fire".