ROUGH SILK Schedule Live Dates
March 24, 2005Singer Ferdy Doernberg of the German epic/melodic metallers ROUGH SILK has posted the following message on the group's official web site:
"[New drummer] 'Dizzy' [Detlef Kroll] is fitting very well in the band and we already have 4 shows booked. On Friday, the 25th of March we'll play a little 'warm-up' show at the Beatbox at Herrenhausen for free. If you're interested in witnessing the 'premiere,' please contact André ([email protected]). On Monday, the 28th of March we'll play in Hamburg at the Headbanger's Ballroom supporting the U.S. legend AGENT STEEL (I'm looking forward to this because I was a big fan of their music in the '80s. On Thursday the 31th of March we'll play again at the Headbanger's Ballroom in Hamburg supporting FREEDOM CALL. On Saturday the 14th of May well play a biker meeting together with PAINFREAK from Hanover.
"What else? The new BRAINSTORM CD has been released — I played keyboards on it. I'm playing on the new POWERGOD CD together with Lips from ANVIL (another old favourite of mine and a big honor!). It looks like my solo album will be coming out finally. After 3 labels blew away (bankrupt, the distribution went bankrupt, politics, etc.) I found a fourth one and it looks as it would be released in the end of May/beginning of June. I'll let you know details when everything's sorted out!
"On the 6th of April (a Wednesday) I'll play an acoustic show at the Odeon in Hanover. It would be great if you'd show up if you live in the Hanover area."