SAXON To Celebrate NWOBHM Anniversary With Special German Tour

November 8, 2004

British heavy metal legends SAXON will embark on the "25th Anniversary of NWOBHM" tour of Germany beginning in early March 2005. To celebrate the anniversary of the New Wave of British Heavy Metal, the band will only play songs they recorded during the 1980s. Before and after the show, editors from Rock Hard magazine will work as DJs and will also present songs from this period.

SAXON's "25th Anniversary Of NWOBHM Tour 2005"

Mar. 04 - Hamburg, GER @ Markthalle
Mar. 05 - Berlin, GER @ Columbia Club
Mar. 06 - Bochum, GER @ Zeche
Mar. 10 - Ludwigsburg, GER @ Rockfabrik
Mar. 11 - Saarbrücken, GER @ Garage
Mar. 12 - Münster / Darmstadt, GER @ Live Arena
Mar. 13 - Augsburg, GER @ Rockfabrik

In other news, SAXON have confirmed the following South/North American dates as part of their "Lionheart Worldtour 2004/2005":

Apr. 15 - Rio De Janerio, BRA @ Circo Volador
Apr. 16 - Sao Paulo, BRA @ Direct Music Hall
Apr. 17 - Buenos Aires, ARG @ Republica Cro-Magnon
Apr. 19 - Santiago, CHL @ Teatro Providencia
Apr. 21 - San Jose, CR @ Planet Mall
Apr. 23 - Mexico City, MEX @ Circo Volador

U.S. dates will be announced soon.

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