See Pro-Shot Video Of HATEBREED's Entire Performance At 2024 BLOODSTOCK OPEN AIR

January 1, 2025

Professionally filmed video of HATEBREED's entire August 9, 2024 performance at the Bloodstock Open Air festival in Catton Park, Derbyshire, United Kingdom can be seen below.

Five months ago, HATEBREED frontman Jamey Jasta was asked by Bloodstock TV's Oran O'Beirne if fans can expect to hear new music from the band in 2025. He responded: "Yeah, I hope so. Yeah, we're actually free agents right now. So we're talking to everybody, seeing what the options are. And I've been doing my own label… So people said, 'Stop producing all these records and do your own damn record.' It's time, yeah."

Asked if that means that the songs are done and "ready to go," and he and his bandmates are just looking for a home for them, Jamey clarified: "I have songs, and I have lyrics, and I thought about who would produce this record. Obviously, we always love Zeuss [Chris Harris] and go with Zeuss, but we're open. You know, we're saying we're, like, we're open to everything, but we're attached to nothing. So if Rick Rubin came out of the woodwork and said, 'Hey, you wanna do something?' people would say, 'Well, that's a pretty lofty goal.' But it's been done before — a little band from nowhere ends up getting a second wind in their career. And we've seen it with so many great bands that — not that we even had too much of a valley on the last one, but it did come out during a worldwide pandemic. So it's always peaks and valleys. And right now we're just headed towards the next peak."

HATEBREED celebrated its 30th anniversary with a North American tour this past fall. The trek kicked off on September 26 in Portland, Maine and will concluded on October 27 in Norfolk, Virginia. Support on the tour came from CARCASS, HARMS WAY and CRYPTA.

With dozens of pit-stirring anthems across their eight catalog albums, HATEBREED celebrated three decades of ruthless breakdowns and consistently sold-out shows the world over. Over the course of their career, the band has gone from playing basements and backyards to being a featured, must-see attraction on countless festivals like Graspop Metal Meeting, Ozzfest, Warped and Download alongside massive high-profile tours.

Recently described by Forbes as "more relevant than ever in the metal and hardcore community," HATEBREED remains one of the most definitive live acts in music today and recently celebrated a milestone with their track "Looking Down The Barrel Of Today", which surpassed 75 million global streams on Spotify alone while generating over 600,000 global equivalents across all digital service providers, making it their single biggest career streaming track of the modern era. To date, HATEBREED has sold over 1.5 million albums in North America alone.


Jamey Jasta - Vocals
Chris Beattie - Bass
Wayne Lozinak - Guitar
Frank Novinec - Guitar
Matt Byrne - Drums

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