SEETHER Singer: BEN MOODY's 'Shitty Attitude' Led To His Departure From EVANESCENCE
December 7, 2003SEETHER frontman Shaun Morgan has taken the time to personally respond to an EVANESCENCE fan who has accused him of being the reason for guitarist Ben Moody's departure from the latter group.
Writing in response to a posting on SEETHER's official Bulletin Board, Morgan — who has been dating EVANESCENCE singer Amy Lee for the past six months — said, "Wow! I didn't know I had so much power over Ben and his life and his career. If I'd known I would have done some things a little differently...
"Let me tell you, my friend, one day when you're a little older you might understand. Right now you need to
"A.) Blame Ben Moody's shitty attitude, and subsequent leaving of EVANESCENCE on somebody, namely me. (Feel free to look up any big words in the dictionary or ask your Mommy)
"B.) Consider the fact that the guy really isn't the greatest guitar player in the world and that EVANESCENCE might be better off with somebody else. (Oh my God, did I actually dare to write that about the great Ben Moody?)
"C.) Grow the fuck up. The only person I have to care about in EVANESCENCE is Amy, and I really couldn't care less about Ben Moody or any of the skanky hoes he bangs on the road. Get a life and try to understand that your hero is nowhere near as cool as you think he is...
"Now, drink your milk, have your cookies and go to bed before Mommy gets angry..."
Meanwhile, an "associate" of Moody's (or possibly Moody himself) has made a posting on Ben's behalf on the EVANESCENCE message board EVBoard.com regarding the rumors that Moody is writing songs with AVRIL LAVIGNE for her next album and that he may be joining her touring band.
Claiming to be speaking "for Ben," the user named "The Priest" wrote, "Contrary to popular belief on this board, Avril is a very talented and competent songwriter. Whether or not you like the songs she writes is coincidental. She is talented, and not a poser. That is not a vague notion I get from interviews, or the Internet... that is my PROFESSIONAL opinion. So... please don't waste . . . valuable webspace arguing your opinion about whether or not Avril is cool or whether or not I should work with her or whether or not she is worthy. SHE IS. Period. Unless you have worked with her or have personal experience, your opinion does not amount to much. Sorry... I know that's harsh, but it's true. I wrote some songs with her because it was a fun experience. I'm not joining her band, and it wasn't to counteract anything having anything to do with EVANESCENCE. It's just what I do."