SKYCLAD 'Awakening From Hibernation'

April 28, 2009

SKYCLAD, the seminal British band which is often referred to as "the originator of folk metal," has issued the following update:

"Just a note to say that we are awakening from our hibernation to start doing some gigs in support of the new album, 'In The... All Together'. First up, we have a 'warm-up' gig at Langley Park, Durham on Sunday, May 2. This is a charity gig, and for those who are making the trip I said I would post the post code for the old Sat Nav (it is Front Street, Langley Park, Durham, DH7 9SG as far as I can guess). I've posted this info on the events page and hopefully we'll meet up there and share a jar and a chat for the forthcoming year."

SKYCLAD's twelfth album, "In Theā€¦ All Together" was released via Scarlet Records. The CD, which was recorded and mixed by Dario Mollo (THE CAGE, VOODOO HILL) at Damage Inc Studio, in Ventimiglia, Italy during August 2008, "mixes the usual thrash/speed metal influences with the extraordinary folk melodies that made the band famous all around the world, maintaining a fresh and dynamic approach which gives a strong live dimension to the new songs," according to a press release.

Formed in 1990 by Martin Walkyer (SABBAT) and Steve Ramsey (SATAN, PARIAH),SKYCLAD gained extraordinary attention from both the press and the public with the now-legendary debut album "The Wayward Sons Of Mother Earth" (1991) and, since then, has built up a solid reputation which led them to take part in some of the most important international metal events (such as the renowned Dynamo, Wacken, Gods of Metal and Tuska festivals) and share the stage with some of the most respected artists of their time.

Footage of SKYCLAD performing at the Metieval festival in East Yorkshire, U.K. in October 2008 can be viewed below.

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