SLAUGHTER TO PREVAIL Shares New Single 'Behelit'

October 16, 2024

Russian metal powerhouse SLAUGHTER TO PREVAIL has released a new single, "Behelit". This track marks a significant evolution in the band's sound, showcasing their most dynamic and eclectic work to date while staying true to their trademark heaviness and ferocity. The song is accompanied by a video with animation from acclaimed Manga series "Beserk".

SLAUGHTER TO PREVAIL frontman Alex Terrible elaborates: "I don't usually watch anime, it's not for me, but 'Berserk' is different. Guts, the main character, he is not like any other warrior. His determination to become the strongest fighter — this is something to respect. But what really gets to me is how he is shown — ruthless, unstoppable, yet with some hidden vulnerability, like you never know what he will do next. Guts is not just fighting enemies; he is battling demons from another world, trying to save humanity from things beyond understanding. What's interesting is, he doesn't think of himself as a hero — many times, it seems like he even hates the responsibility of protecting others. But still, his honor makes him continue, driven by something much deeper than just glory. His huge sword is like a symbol of his strength — it's almost like a metaphor for life. We all have our burdens to carry, and it's on us to deal with them the best way we can.

"Actually, my Kid Of Darkness character, I take a lot from Guts. There is something very strong, very real in how Guts fights, and I want to show this. Kid Of Darkness, it is not only about being brutal — it is about fight inside, like you carry heavy things you never ask for, but still you face them. Guts, he never gives up, even when everything around him is bad, this is what I feel close to. This way of thinking, it is what I try to do in my life, on stage and not on stage too."

Born from an ambitious collaboration between Russian vocalist Alex Terrible and U.K. guitarist Jack Simmons, SLAUGHTER TO PREVAIL has rapidly ascended to the forefront of the heavy music scene, becoming one of the biggest players in the game. Their journey began with the exchange of ideas and riffs over emails, quickly transforming into a global phenomenon that has redefined the boundaries of deathcore, death metal, and hardcore.

With their debut album "Misery Sermon" setting new standards for extremity and the follow-up "Kostolom" cementing their status as trailblazers, the band has consistently pushed the envelope. Alex Terrible's explosive online presence, amplified by his viral videos featuring jaw-dropping encounters with apex predators, has further fuelled the band's meteoric rise, amassing a digital following of over 5.5 million across their social media platforms and 1.2 million monthly Spotify listeners.

"Behelit" encapsulates SLAUGHTER TO PREVAIL's relentless aggression and refined songwriting, continuing the legacy established by previous singles such as "1984", "Conflict", "Viking" and "Kid Of Darkness". Each track has garnered critical acclaim, drawing millions of metal fans eager for the band's unique blend of brutality and innovation.

The band's electrifying performances have captivated festival audiences this summer, with highlights including the largest crowds at Download's OPUS Stage and a record-setting "wall of death" at Hellfest. Their recent arena tour alongside heavyweights FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH has further solidified SLAUGHTER TO PREVAIL's status as a formidable force, bringing extreme metal to arenas and blowing the roof off every time.

With "Behelit", SLAUGHTER TO PREVAIL promises to deliver a fresh chapter in their already impressive story, solidifying their place as leaders of the new generation of metal bands.


Alex Terrible - vocals
Jack Simmons - guitars
Dmitry Mamedov - guitars
Mikhail Petrov - bass
Evgeny Novikov - drums

Photo credit: @haterzhov

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