SLAYER Guitarist On Touring With MARILYN MANSON: 'I Haven't Seen Any Fistfights Yet'
August 29, 2007Mike Daniel of The Dallas Morning News recently conducted an interview with SLAYER guitarist Kerry King. A couple of excerpts from the chat follow:
On touring with MARILYN MANSON:
"I haven't seen any fistfights or anything yet. But there's a lot of gray area between our fans and Marilyn's. We both mine the same depths. But you can always pick out his fans — they're the freaky-dressed ones — and you can always tell who our fans are; they're the simply dressed ones.
"There was this girl in the middle of the last show that had her fingers in her ears the whole time we were on. I [expletive] loved it!"
On winning a Grammy Award in February for the song "Eyes of the Insane", which chronicles the last moments of a soldier about to die at war:
"It never really blew my mind. It's odd, especially considering what I think of the music industry in general. It doesn't mean nearly as much as if some metal mag had given us a major award. It's cool and all, but not all that important."
"My take on it would be that 60 percent of the voters don't even know what the song's about, and that's probably being generous. I think the majority of voters just look at the ballot, check off a name they recognize in the categories that they don't know anything about, and turn it in.
"Winning the Grammy gives you voting rights for it. I know that when the time comes to vote, I'll just check off something or other in the hip-hop categories since I don't know anything about it. I'm sure that someone like Jay-Z probably did the same thing with the metal categories."