SOILWORK Frontman On Lineup Changes, Musical Progression And Working With DEVIN TOWNSEND
February 8, 2008Jeffrey Easton of Metal Exiles recently conducted an interview with SOILWORK frontman Björn "Speed" Strid. An excerpt from the chat follows:
Metal Exiles: "Sworn To A Great Divide" is the new record. What do you think the biggest jump from "Stabbing the Drama" to this one is?
Strid: "I would say it is more diverse, the heavier parts are heavier and the softer parts are softer. It doesn't sound forced, we struck a balance in our sound. We also brought back the thrashier influences as well."
Metal Exiles: What is the biggest differences between Peter's [Wichers, former guitarist] playing and Daniel's [Antonsson, new guitarist]?
Strid: Peter had his way with writing songs but now it is a band effort, everybody has been involved. Daniel came in during the writing process for this album, but he did not have to adjust to write SOILWORK music, it came pretty natural for him. He co-wrote the title track with Ola [Frenning, guitar] and he has a thrashier guitar player."
Metal Exiles: You guys came from a dark background. What do you think is the biggest difference from then to now is?
Strid: "I guess there is more groove to it and the melodies come out in a different shape. The vocals have taken over more of the guitar melodies, it is hard to say. In the beginning it seems like we are adapting a style, sounding like many of the bands in the Gothenburg scene."
Metal Exiles: How have you adapt your vocal style to that?
Strid: "I just wanted to further develop my voice like the guys developing on their instruments. It was a natural step for me to actually try out something new. Devin Townsend actually inspired me to do something like that. He made me do melodic vocals but something would come across confident and extreme."
Metal Exiles: What was it like working with Devin considering he is such an eccentric guy?
Strid: "He made me feel relaxed in the studio and I have wanted to work with him for a long time but he was always to busy. I went to Vancouver to his studio and locked my self in with him to work on my vocals. It was a great experience, just like two buddies recording vocals in the basement together."
Metal Exiles: What did you take away from doing that?
Strid: "That I will continue to record my vocals with him producing them."
Read the entire interview at www.metalexiles.com.